Punggol English Enrichment: Walking, Action Words

100 words associated with walking. Vocabulary for Creative Writing course at Punggol. Use these words to describe various ways of walking and improve writing skills during comprehension.

Here is a comprehensive list of words that we teach our students to describe walking. Also included are fun videos that we entertain our kids to make them love the idea of descriptive writing.

  1. stride
  2. limped
  3. pace
  4. shuffle
  5. stagger
  6. stepped
  7. strut
  8. gait
  9. hobble
  10. trudged
  11. falter
  12. flounder
  13. lumber
  14. lurch
  15. meander
  16. marched
  17. paraded
  18. prowl
  19. saunter
  20. skulk
  21. somnambulate
  22. stalk
  23. stroll
  24. stumble
  25. swagger
  26. trot
  27. waddle
  28. wade
  29. totter
  30. skipped
  31. tiptoe
  32. trample
  33. roam
  34. wandered
  35. loiter
  36. trek
  37. scamper
  38. scramble
  39. scuttle
  40. scurry
  41. prance
  42. shuffle
  43. creep
  44. dart
  45. dash
  46. hop
  47. jog
  48. run
  49. frogmarch
  50. edge
  51. lunge
  52. lurch
  53. plod
  54. ramble
  55. rush
  56. slide
  57. slip
  58. toddle
  59. trip over
  60. mosey
  61. stray
  62. traipse
  63. clump
  64. gimp
  65. mince
  66. pound
  67. promenade
  68. sashay
  69. scuff
  70. stomp
  71. traverse
  72. pussyfoot
  73. nip
  74. hoof
  75. brisk walking
  76. power walking
  77. mope
  78. dilly-dally
  79. linger
  80. drift
  81. bustle
  82. haste
  83. swiftly
  84. speedy
  85. flurry
  86. active
  87. prompt
  88. expeditiously
  89. driven
  90. fleet
  91. lively
  92. supple
  93. spry
  94. frisk
  95. zeal
  96. hustle
  97. calculated
  98. fervour
  99. celerity
  100. alacrity

Here’s a hilarious video that shows how we can describe walking:

on another note, and the famous sketch by Monty Python:

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